Sons of Confedreate Veterans
The SCV is the direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendants of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia in 1896, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic, and non-political organization dedicated to insuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved. Membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces. Membership can be obtained through either direct or collateral family lines and kinship to a veteran must be documented genealogically. The minimum age for membership is 12.
United Daughters of the Confederacy
Those eligible for active membership are women no less than 16 years of age who are blood descendants, lineal or collateral, of men and women who served honorably in the Army, Navy or Civil Service of the Confederate States of America, or gave Material Aid to the Cause. Also eligible are those women who are lineal or collateral blood descendants of members or former members of UDC.
Aw shucks, Confederate news & views
Southern news stories and links.
Dixie Daily News
The most widely read Southern news, politics, history & heritage site advocating the views and political philosophy of liberty, limited government & opposition to empire. We seek to educate the public on the benefits of decentralized confederations, local & regional sovereignty with the philosophy of leading Southern patriots like Washington, Jefferson, Calhoun, Lee, Davis & Jackson. Their ideals combined with the 20th century free-market economics of Rothbard, Mises & Dilorenzo provide the only real solution to the tyranny and control of government political elites around the world. - Ron Holland, Editor & Doug Spicer, Chairman of The Southern Caucus.
View The Truth Store at www.mauricesbbq.com
More than just barbeque... Constitutionally correct!!!
Frugal Sqirrel
Frugal Squirrels homepage for Patriots, Survivalists and Gun Owners. Also has a great Southern Heritage forum.
Fair Oaks Sutler, Inc
Complete line of Civil War Uniforms, Accouterments, Equipment and Black Powder Firearms.
Great War of the Confederacy
We're Great War of the Confederacy and we have the best deals & largest selection of Everything Confederate and "We ain't jest a-Whistlin' Dixie!" Compare our Prices to what them Yankee Stores charge and we're sure you'll agree...
180 Degrees True South
180 Degrees True South is a personal website published online each month.
Dixienet- The League of the South
The South's home on the internet.
Dixie Outfitters
Quality T-Shirts and Apparel- "Preserving our Southern Heritage since 1861."
T-Bone's Web Store
Great products at wholesale prices for yourself or for resale. More than 1.6 Million people from all over the world have joined. Why? Simply, We have created a revolutionary new way for ordinary people from all walks of life to earn extraordinary incomes online! We are, first and foremost, an online store. If you want to earn money in any business, then someone has to buy something! To earn money on the Internet, you must have products that people can buy online and a place where they can buy them! As a member, you get BOTH. You get an online WebStore with your own Internet address, with literally hundreds of high-demand products people can and do buy.
Spirit of Dixie

Spirit of Dixie Banner Exchange